
Monday 5 March 2012

Activity 5 - Martin

The summary shows us that all the results are below median especially the learning process. Our organization has spend lots of resources on provide training to colleague but lack of systematic follow up strategy. We only stick into the first step which is only providing materials to our colleague. May be it is the reason that make the mark of learning process composite very low.

On this round all scores are below median. Only analysis part is relatively high compare to the rest four. I think the reason is because we have regularly group together and sharing what we learn from PD programs.

It can be clearly see that the appreciation of differences got the lowest mark. In our organization we still have a portion of colleague which have been working quite a long time in library and resist to change anything. It is not easy to implement any new ideas with them if cooperation is needed. That's why it seems not possible to looking for appreciation from those colleagues. Another thing that surprises me is the score of time for reflection is quite high. I don't have any idea on the reason.

In our organization it is definitely has room to improve. I strongly believe the score can be build up if we can have more solid plan on how to follow up colleague after they learned.

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