
Sunday, 26 February 2012

Activity 1 - Martin

Report on your present or previous experiences in the workplace. How best would you describe how your organization learnt.

Currently I am working in a university library as an IT staff. It was established almosts 40 years and will keep on providing different kinds of services to our students and staff for their learning need.

In my library, one of the method that we used to make our working place keep on learning is as follow:

1. Personal Mastery
We are holding a sharing program which named as "Staff Awareness Program". The aims of this program is to build up our staff performance and as a result to enhance the whole organisation quality. This program involves all professional grade librarians. In this program we will share, introduce and explain different interesting topic to other attendee include operational supervisors. It aims to enhance the knowledge within library staff and provide a platform to share different queries from every party. This program held every 4 to 6 weeks and librarians will follow the roster and choose the topic they are interested to share.

2. Mental Models
This program has provide a good communication platform between librarian and other grading staff to share their opinion and concern. This enhances the understanding and team spirit between our staff within different level.

3. Shared Vision
Once the communication has been build up, the vision can be more easy to share. Staff Awareness Program has different topic in each time. Several staff has shared their vision when they have pay the same interest within same topic.

4. Team Learning
We encourage raising questions from attendee and feel free to discuss during program. Also we will distribute the materials to all attendee after the program for team learning.

5. Systems Thinking
In my opinion, I think this program is success because it build up the cooperate atmosphere between us, we can know more each other through the discussion in different topics, pay more respect and personal care among our teammate.


  1. For personal mastery, my organization also hold some sharing progam every three months to gather the opinions of support staff, review the past performance and give us a picture what the school is going to do in the future.
    In my experience, front line staff are not willing to express their feelings, opinions in front of others. They may feel uncomfortable to speak up. Most of the time, they will only share their views when the supervisor ask them directly.
    However, I think it is good to know the planning of the school during the meeting so that front line staff can get ready to prepare the new changes.

  2. Thanks for your sharing Martin! I think that a good communication platform is a very important element to improve communication and build up a good working relationship. I also think that a free talking environment is necessary in a work place because company would be can't changed if everyone don't know the way for improve. However, I realize it is hard to implement in a real situation but it is important for staffs sharing what the need for work indeed.
