
Monday, 13 February 2012

Activity 3 - Alec

Activity 3 - Develop and articulate ideas for describing leading change in an organization of your choice.

Michael Fullan(2001)'s framework of leading in a culture of change will be applied at this week's activity. According to Fullan, five components are consists in this framework: moral purpose, understanding change, relationship, knowledge building and coherence making.

Moral purpose

In my organization (learning centre), the director want to improve our service (including teaching, studying, registering and staff managing) through upgrading the website and using ICT. To bring about significant change, the director has conducted meetings with IT team and administrative staff, admonished them to pursue the desired goal actively and let them provide suggestion. The concept of IT upgrading is spread within the working environment.

Understanding change
The leader should fully understand the contents of change, provide opportunities for staff members to respond and manage the process of change. Refer to my work in Activity 2, I had used Kotter's 8 step-change model to explain that the director was successfully implement change in the learning centre. Most of the staff and stakeholders understand the important of innovation and basic process of change to upgrade the website and use ICT.

A successful leader must be a good leadership builders with diverse people and groups, especially people can think differently. Establishing good relationship among individual or groups is not a easy thing. The working relationship in my centre is okay, however, the director would conduct lunch party or teamwork programme to build up relationship between staff members.

Knowledge building
Leader need to encourage staff to generate and increase their knowledge inside and outside the organization. Besides, knowledge must be shared within the organization. In my working place, sharing is normally occurred at the process of technology testing and departmental meeting. During the testing stage of ICT and Moodle, IT team and the administrative team have more chance to communicate and provide suggestion to modify the setting. Therefore, it can  re-organise, restructure and consolidate their knowledge.

Coherence making
Change is nonlinear and missy. Fullan states that coherence making is finding a balance between innovations and disturbances, that means differences of opinion maybe occurred . Effective leadership can guide staff through the differences and move the organization forward. As I wrote in Activity 1 with Senge's five principles, the director is not only encourage to comment and share ideas about the organization, he also have the ability to modify the direction of the centre. he is a good system thinker of my organization.

Fullan, M. (2000) Leading in a Culture of Change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


  1. In my opinion, a good relationship will lead to the knowledge building.
    A good relationship not only can build up through annual dinner, christmas party, sharing programs, but only can build up from respect and trust among members and the supervisor.
    In this way, support staff are willing to share their knowledge each other and provide worthful advise for implementing the changes.

    1. Very agree with you Tammy. Relationship can sometimes make a difficult project becomes easy achieve!

  2. Hi Alec. Your plan is seemed to be work and complete. As for the relationship, lunch party is a good way for staffs building up relationship in a relax ambiance. Still, regular informal meeting and activity can encourage staffs to share more on work and speak up freely without pressure. It can also help improve the relationship between staffs and their boss
